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Despre noi
Servicii oferite
Let your dreams take off!
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Pilot Student
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes.
Pilot Student
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes.
Pilot Student

Zbor Timisoara CavoK
Despre noi
Asociatia Aerocul Cavok este comunitatea pasionatilor de aviatie, extensie a societatii Aero West din Timisoara infiintata in anul 2000. Asociatia are ca scop dezvoltarea aviatiei in zona de vest, pregatind tinerii pasionati de zbor de la primele experiente de zbor pana la nivel comercial.
Our Courses
Servicii oferite
Zbor Timisoara CavoK
I. Flight experiences
New Experience
The only way to see the world different is from above, we offer you a flight experience for 15-20 minutes or more with one or two friends to enjoy the flight
If you want to see how it feels to fly, just contact us and we will make this happen for you

Zbor Timisoara CavoK
II. Courses

Are you interested in becoming a pilot or do you just have a few questions about our offer?
Just contact us and we will handle the rest.

If you want to get know the city lights from a night’s sky, Come with us and let us show you.

The minimum age to get a CPL is 18 years old and you will need to complete at least 25 hours of dual flight training, including 10 hours of instrument training and 15 hours VFR (Visual Flight Rules).
With a valid CPL you will can get a job as a pilot and be payed for your work.

The minimum age to get a CPL is 18 years old and you will need to complete at least 25 hours of dual flight training, including 10 hours of instrument training and 15 hours VFR (Visual Flight Rules).
With a valid CPL you will can get a job as a pilot and be payed for your work.
Zbor Timisoara CavoK
5 IR

Instrument rating refers to the qualifications that a pilot must have in order to fly under instrument flight rules (IFR).
Zbor Timisoara CavoK

A Multi Engine Rating is a pilot rating that qualifies you to fly as pilot-in-command (PIC) of any aircraft with more than one engine.
Zbor Timisoara CavoK

is the highest level of certification an aircraft pilot can have. The ATPL license is also known as an Airline Transport Pilot (ATP) certificate (in the US). It allows a pilot to be in command of aircraft with a certain passenger number. To become a Captain with an Airline, a pilot will need to have an Airline Transport Pilot License.
ATPL training consists of ATPL Theory classes, similar to a ground school phase, wherein the outcome of completing this course is an ATPL Theory License or a Frozen ATPL (FATPL). After this, a pilot needs to meet at least 1500 flight hours experience to be eligible to take the ATPL check (practical test).

Zbor Timisoara CavoK
III. Aerial Banner
The aerial advertising banners are towed behind a plane at a low altitude, so that the noise of the plane can compel the crowd to look up.
Zbor Timisoara CavoK
IV. Gender Reveal
We love receiving the little emails from Ultrasound provider and we get straight onto making the correct Banner, Smoke Colour Bomb or Both
Or if you already have a Gender Guardian appointed, we will liaise directly with your Gender Keeper to make the appropriate arrangements.
So the news we deliver at your party will be a total surprise for everyone, even for you.

Zbor Timisoara CavoK
V. Team building
Team building activities can make all the difference when it comes to job satisfaction and organizational success. But even with the best intentions, it’s not sufficient to simply bring a group of people together and expect a great team to form on its own.
We know that the feeling of flying together and spend some awesome moments up in the sky is the key for a group of people to become a team.
A group of to become
Zbor Timisoara CavoK
Frequent questions
There are nine PPL theory exams in total, one for each subject.
A Pilot Private Licence can be yours at 17 years old, but you can start the flight training at 16 years old.
For CPL you need to be 18 years old.
For ATPL you must to be 21 years old.
Students on average about 100 hours prepping for the PPL, and 130 hours for the CPL.
There subjects are:
Air Law – covering the rules and regulations governing aviation
Aircraft General Knowledge (AGK) – Featuring aircraft design and systems, instrumentation, electrics, engines and emergency equipment
Flight Planning & Performance – learn how to do important pre-flight calculations to ensure you have sufficient fuel, runway length and so on
Human Performance & Limitations (HPL) – covering the psychological and physiological effects of flight
Meteorology – learn what causes different weather conditions, how they affect flight and how to interpret aviation forecasts
Navigation – basic navigation theory and use of electronic navigation aids
Operational Procedures (OP) – covers the standard procedures that you must follow when operating aircraft
Principles of Flight (PoF) – aerodynamics, how aircraft fly and how different variables affect lift and drag
Communications – how to communicate using radio telephony
This will depend on how much time you have to dedicate to your studies and what pre-existing knowledge you already have. Each of the nine modules typically requires a minimum of around eight to twelve hours of study to get exam-ready.
Our Location
Buzias, jud. Timis, Romania
+40 735 842 540
luni-duminica 10-19

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